A Cry from the Deepest Dephts of Lost Time
This is one of the most peculiar exhibitions I ever joined. The curator is artist and food archeologist Henri Roquas.
April 30 to June 4
Exhibition of artworks inspired by the sea lamprey and the living fossil phenomenon;
The sea lamprey belongs to the last of the Jawless, which appeared 550 million years ago. The 300,000 years since man came into existence is a quite meager comparison.
Also on show: the sea lamprey as culinary heritage, as a scientific research object and striking representative of the living fossil phenomenon, as an artistic source of inspiration;
May 13 and May 27
The gastronomic ‘Immortel dinner’ with dishes prepared from living fossils and with the sea lamprey as ‘pièce-de-résistance’, in collaboration with Slow Food-Amsterdam.
(Once in a lifetime, because the lamprey can not be imported anymore from French Aquitaine!) €55,- incl drinks
r.s.v.p.: eatingtimezeeprik@dds.nl
finissage June 4
Opening ‘Garden of Immortels’
Presentation 1st Society magazine ‘Food by the ravages of time’
Dutch Sealamprey Society
Blankenstraat 115 1018 RT Amsterdam
Fridays and Saturdays 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm
and by appointment