Against the Wall

Always nice to join forces with friends! My friends’ band Katie Kruel produced a new cd with my artworks on the cover. Distributed by Johan Buurke/Seja Records. We also made a special edition brooche and Tshirts, for sale on the band’s website.
Johan Buurke is co-curator of the show Against the Wall at LOGMAN gallery; all artists made artworks for covers of his label.
My very black works of the series Le CIRQUE are on show together with the colourful paintings of Mo Arab.
This combination might seem odd, but in the series on display we both portray society excluding strangers. My hirsute characters found a safe haven, though questionable, in the circus amidst a crew of extraordinary people and animals. Mo Arabs characters are mostly young people with immigrant backgrounds, also feeling outsiders and looking up each other’s company. And sometimes they put up a show with masks, maybe to escape into a phantasy world where they can even be stranger, but loved. After all, unlike in every day life, society easily loves uniqueness on stage.

Petit Beau, 2019
Just finished this little hairy portrait with his dental braces.
Visit him between family member of the series Le CIRQUE.

CD cover