Second Life

The unique collection of Oldřich Th. Uttendorfski, the honorary consul of the Principality of Monaco, is exhibited by the White Gallery in Osikov. My sculpture Eternamente from the Stringendo series is the figurehead of the exhibition.
Doctor and diplomat Oldřich Th. Uttendorfski began collecting art objects and antiques during his studies in the Netherlands, and in fifty years he has gathered a remarkable collection that is hard to find. Attracted by interest in the development of human civilization and the richness of natural forms, as well as the unrestrained environment of fine art around him, he created a fascinating world that combines the old with the new, handicraft with technology, natural with civilisation.
The name Second Life also suggests what unites all the exhibits. It is really a kind of life after life, when art objects or natural objects, despite their original purpose, change into something else, acquire a new visual or spiritual dimension and become literally catalysts of emotions. The gallery and the collector collaborated with the respected Prague curator Radek Wohlmuth on the concept of the exhibition.
“Given that the collection of Oldřich Th. Uttendorfski is really exceptional, we tried to reflect that in this presentation, ” suggests the curator. “The exhibits are installed in such a way that they communicate visually and semantically with each other and, of course, also correspond to the theme of the exhibition.”
Happy to confirm Oldřich Th. Uttendorfski has now three of my sculptures in his remarkable collection: Eternamente, Le Nocturne from the series Le CIRQUE and he gave commission to create a small memento mori, Mors II, after a sculpture from the series Les plus Beaux. Later this year he will make a larger memento mori exhibition in Prague where Mors will welcome the visitors.